Boris and Carrie are expecting. And they are Boris Johnson, and Carrie Symonds.
What’s more; they’re engaged. So Johnson is the British prime minister. And he was elected into office in July 2019. And Symonds, as a result of this, became the only unmarried prime minister’s spouse.
In addition to this, their baby is due in Summer.
So Symonds is 31. And she’s an environmental campaigner.
What’s more, Symonds was a Conservative party official. And the couple’s spokesperson says:
‘“The prime minister and Miss Symonds are very pleased to announce their engagement and that they are expecting a baby in the early summer.”
So Johnson is 55. And his will be the first in-office marriage in 250 years.
Johnson, apparently, is father to at least five children. And, with two women. Additionally, Marina Wheeler is his second wife. So he married her in 1993, and separated in 2018. The other woman is an art consultant; and her name is Helen Macintyre.
So, a family court judge recently approved a financial settlement. And this allowed Wheeler to apply for a divorce decree. And this was done to officially conclude the marriage.
So Johnson is seen as the first prime minister to divorce, (while in office), recently. And Symonds started living in Downing Street, with Johnson, when he became prime minister.
What is a contested divorce?
-so, it’s a ‘contested divorce’ if divorce terms are not agreed upon
-and spousal differences may need to be settled by a court if this happens
-however, mediation introduces a third party, helping couples to come to an agreement
How are assets divided in a Californian divorce?
-California has community property laws
-so assets and debts, accumulated during marriage, belong to spouses equally
-and these must be divided equally in the case of divorce
Divorce can be a really difficult, and really emotional process.
So get the best advice.
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