A new data privacy law was passed, last year, in California.
Privacy activists are campaigning against it.
Activists dealt with legislators and business lobbyists to avoid a ballot action resulting in a stricter law.
According to the new law, consumers have the right to know what information companies are gathering about them.
They can also demand to know why information is being collected, and who else can see it.
Consumers can order companies to erase information, and forbid them to sell or share data.
Source: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/05/22/us/digital-privacy-hannah-beth-jackson-ccpa.html
Online information sharing is an issue relevant to families, and the safety and privacy of children.
It’s important to understand laws relating to children’s net safety. This is because we’re living in an age of online sharing and corporate information gathering.
What is the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Rule?
-Congress enacted COPPA in 1998
-COPPA required the Federal Trade Commission to issue and enforce regulations for children’s privacy online
-COPPA aims to place parents in control of what information is collected from young children online
-designed to protect children under 13
-rule applies to operators of commercial websites and online services targeting children under 13
-operators must post clear privacy policy describing practice for information extraction
-operators must provide direct notice to parents and obtain consent
-they must give parents opportunity to prevent further use/online information collection
Source: https://www.ftc.gov/tips-advice/business-center/guidance/complying-coppa-frequently-asked-questions
Family is the most important thing.
To resolve family legal issues, look at the services on offer at www.vincentmillerlaw.com.